Product Information
1.Company : An Introduction, 2 .Company Law : Its History and Administration, 3. Kinds of Companies, 4. Promotion and Incorporation of a Company , 5. Memorandum of Association, 6. Articles of Association, 7. Prospectus, 8. Share and Share Capital , 9.Membership in a Company, 10. Transfer and Transmission of Shares, 11. Borrowing Power of a Company, 12. Debentures, 13. Declaration and Payment of Dividend , 14. Directors : Company Management , 15. Managerial Personnel, 16. Annual General Meeting, 17. Account and Audit , 18. Prevention of Oppression and Mis-Management, 19. Inspection and Investigation, 20. Registration Office and Fees, 21. Removal of Name of Companies from Register of Companies, 22. Compromises, Arrangements, Reconstruction and Amalgamation , 23 .Winding up of Companies, 24. Winding up of Unregistered Companies and Companies Incorporated Outside India, 25. Miscellaneous,
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