Product Information
1. Introduction to Marketing : Nature, Scope, Importance and Evolution of Marketing 2. Marketing-Mix 3. Marketing Environment 4. Consumer Behaviour 5. Market Segmentation 6. Product and Product Mix 7. Product Life-Cycle 8. Branding, Packaging and Labelling, After Sales Services 9. New Product Development 10. Price (Importance of Proce in Marketing and Factors Affecting Price of a Product, Kind and Methods of Pricing, Polices and Strategies) 11. Promotion-Nature and Importance, Methods of Promotion and Optimum Promotion Mix 12. Advertising 13. Personal Selling 14. Sales Promotion 15. Publicity and Public Relations 16. Distribution : Types and Selection of Channels 17. Wholesaler and Retailer 18. Recent Developments in Marketing (Social Marketing, Online Marketing, Direct Marketing, Service Marketing, Green marketing, Relationship Marketing and Rural Marketing)
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