Product Information

1.Nature and Objects of Indian Philosophy, 2 .Indian Philosophy : Fundamental Features, Importance and Usefulness, 3 .Indian Philosophy : Theistic and Non-theistic Schools, 4. Epistomology—Charvak Darshan, 5. Tatva Mimansha : Charvak Darshan, 6. Aachar Mimansha : Charvak Darshan, 7. Jain Philosophy : Sat and Dravya, 8. Jain Philosophy : Anekantvada & Syadavad, 9. Theory of Karma, 10. Jain Philosophy : Bondage and Liberation, 11. Four Noble Truth and Pratitya Samutpada of Buddha Philosophy, 12. Buddha Philosophy : The Doctrine of Momentariness and Noself, 13. Sankhya Philosophy, 14. Yoga Philosophy, 15. Nyaya-Prama, Pramana and Pratyaksa, 16.Types of Pramana : Anuman and Anumiti, 17. Types of Pramana : Comparison and Testimony, 18. Padartha (Vaisheshika) Philosophy, 19. Padartha (Vaisheshika) Philosophy Concept of Attribute (Quality) and Karma, 20. Padartha (Vaishekhika) Philosophy, Inherence, Parti-cularity, Generality and Non-Existance, 21. Mimansa : Nature of Dharma, Pramanyavad, Arthapatti and Anuplabdhi, 22. The Advaita Vedanta of Shankara (Brahma-Maya, Jiva-Bandhana & Moksha), 23. Visistavaita Vedanta : Ramanuja-The Relation between Jiva and Brahma, Brahma Jagat, (World) and Jiva, Refutation of Shankara’s Concept of Maya, Moksa.

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